Contact MRD&M

    You may contact us via email or contact form, however you are cautioned not to send any confidential information by email until an attorney-client relationship has been formally established.

    Bel Air Office

    429 South Main Street
    Bel Air, MD 21014

    (410) 803-2900
    (410) 569-2960

    Towson Office

    606 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 101
    Towson, MD 21204

    (410) 426-3000
    (410) 821-7758

    This is to sincerely thank you for all of the work you and your office did on my behalf . . . I learned more from you during that visit than I was able to get from my previous attorney in two years . . . Be assured that I would not hesitate recommending you to anyone I know that would need your services.

    Maryann Q., Conowingo, MD

    Have you been denied by Social Security?

    You generally have 60 days to file your appeal…
    We will be happy to assist you with filing your appeal on time!
    The Social Security Administration has a philosophy of denial…
    We will fight for you at any level of the appeal process!
    The process can feel overwhelming…
    We will be happy to assist you with formulating a legal strategy to win your case AT ANY LEVEL of the process!

    Contact MRD&M

      You may contact us via email or contact form, however you are cautioned not to send any confidential information by email until an attorney-client relationship has been formally established.